Elizabeth Fairchild
(202) 861-1270


Washington, D.C. — Local business leaders are making clear to Members of Congress why we need to Build Back Better to support small businesses, the economy, and job creation. The Build Back Better Act is expected to be voted on in the next week.

Today, Business Forward, a nationwide coalition of 100,000+ small business leaders, launched a $1.2 million radio ad campaign in 12 swing congressional districts across the country to remind Members of Congress of their previous support of clean economy solutions and to make the business case for why we need investments in bold climate action. Business leaders are urging Members to curb the dangerous effects of climate change and protect local communities.

Business Forward Executive Director Liz Fairchild says we need to make these investments to not only spur economic growth and job creation, but also protect our communities from future global shocks.

“It’s not just the science that tells us that addressing climate change is necessary. Our economic reality demands it,” said Fairchild. “Climate change could be vastly more disruptive over a longer period than even the current pandemic to our economy, aging infrastructure, supply chains, and small businesses. We need climate investments that will create good-paying jobs in communities that need it most and build an economy resilient to the threat of future shocks.”

Business Forward is planning to spend up to $1.2 million in districts around the country to urge swing Members to Build Back Better for our small businesses and lead the transition to a clean energy economy that will spur growth and job creation in the coming decades.




The Business Forward Foundation is an independent research and education organization that takes a business-minded look at policy issues affecting America’s economic competitiveness. Our work combines insights and advice from business leaders across the country with rigorous policy analysis. Through white papers, issue briefs, conference calls, and other events, we educate policy makers and the public about climate change, immigration reform, infrastructure investment, the future of work, and other critical issues.