Elizabeth Fairchild

Washington, DC — FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel today proposed that Congress (if and when it reauthorizes the FCC’s spectrum auction authority) consider using future auction proceeds to invest in modernizing 911 services. Jim Doyle, President of Business Forward, issued the following statement in response:

“The country’s 911 systems have historically lacked consistent funding streams and are due for a digital upgrade. It is past time that those who call 911 should be able to immediately share video, pictures, and medical information. Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s proposal to invest in next-generation 911 services using spectrum auction funds would accelerate such an upgrade and promote public safety across the country.”



Business Forward helps local business leaders make the “business case” for climate action, affordable healthcare, immigration reform, diversity and inclusion, sensible tax laws, criminal justice reform, infrastructure investment, and other pro-growth reforms. These leaders brief policymakers, work with local media, publish op-eds, submit testimony, advocate online, and organize their communities. We also promote their recommendations through issue briefs, survey reports, training manuals, and podcasts. More than 650 mayors, governors, members of Congress, and senior Administration officials have participated in our briefings.